after a rough start to my day yesterday, it did progressively get a little better, ending in the watching of my favorite summer shows, pirate master and so you think you can dance (summer tv is pretty pathetic) and a shower.
today is better than yesterday. top reasons:
1) finn has been really goofy today, and helpful, he has learned to put toys away.
2) my fantasy baseball team is back into the number two spot.
3) we get to actually LEAVE the house this evening, and see fireworks.
4) i woke up with a better attitude.
5) i might have time during finn's nap to read a chapter in my book.
top reason why today could end worse than yesterday:1) i took my last migraine-deflector pill on wednesday night, as the dr. wanted me to try life again without it. it has been four months of mostly headache free days... and now that i have a headache, i miss that medicine. but yesterday was highly stressful, so i'll blame the headache on that and pretend i am still taking my medicine. in fact, i might even swallow a fruit snack everynight before bed and see if any placebo effect would take place... now there's a thought, my own medical trial.
reasons why today is not as bad as yesterday
Posted by corrie at 1:26 PM 2 comments
tennessee part two: the lost sea
after a trip into the smokey mountains, we stopped at a more touristy site, "the lost sea." this ENORMOUS cavern boasts the largest underground lake in the world. although it appears small, not much larger than a neighborhood reservoir, it connects with several other underground rooms, which are completely filled with water, which makes it the largest. these "rooms" would never have been found had they not sent divers to explore the area.
anyway, the cave was discovered by a boy back in the early 1900's. he went home after a day of exploration to tell his father what he had found, but since this boy was a frequent liar, his father didn't believe him! the cave sat for another sixty years before it was found again. when the cavern was found, scientists discovered many interesting things about the cave; it was home to an indian tribe at some point, it was used during the prohibition era for a drink and dance club, it was used in the civil war era to collect bat "guano" for use in gun powder....
anyway, it was a pretty interesting trip, all in all.
these are some rock "plants" that are formed over thousands of years by the dripping of water, much like stalagtites (or stalagmites, whatever...)
this was the original entrance into the cavern...
it was difficult to take good pictures because it was so dark... my brother had some good ones, maybe i'll add to this post once i get them.
Posted by corrie at 10:50 AM 1 comments
tennessee part one: family
we are back from tennessee! it was a great trip.
instead of blogging about the whole trip at once, i figured i'd do it in sections, as there are far to many pictures and stories to share. so on with part one.
finn has changed a lot since we had seen my family last december. so it was one of the highlights of the trip to see him interact with his grandparents and uncle. finn loved uncle zack... his face lit up everytime zack came in the room! and by the end of the trip finn was sharing lots of kisses with grammie dee and grandpa ken (my mom got 14 in a row!!).
Posted by corrie at 10:27 AM 4 comments
and we are off (almost)
we are leaving thursday for the grand ol' state of tennessee to visit with my dear family. our trip will be filled with lakes, mountains, food, and laughter. i am sure you will hear all about it in a week or so...
so long!
Posted by corrie at 6:50 PM 2 comments
caron told us about this yahoo group called freecycle a couple of weeks ago. you join your town's freecycle group, people post things they want to get rid of or things they would like to have, and everyone in the group gets an email about the item wanted or offered. all you have to do is arrange to pick up the item.
so i set up a want post for a little tykes car... and within hours someone responded saying they had one to give!! the horn doesn't work, and it is pretty old, but saved me $50, and finn doesn't know the difference.
anyway, it has quickly become finn's favorite toy, and he cries when it's time to leave it!
Posted by corrie at 12:24 PM 4 comments