
in the 'making' mood

the last few days i have been nudged into the making mood. maybe it's because i have done virtually all of the organizing and household projects that are possible, and i have nothing else to put my time into. or maybe it's because it's winter time, and i can't play outside. i don't know... but here is my list of things i want to make.

1. fudge. i have never made fudge before, and it just sounds good.

2. pound cake. we had some pals bring us lemon pound cake awhile back, and it also 'just sounds good.'

3. quilt. when we move, finn will be getting himself into a regular bed, so i thought it would be fun to make him a special blanket, that hopefully, he will appreciate more later on in life. although, i tried to get a few fabrics he will like now, but will also transcend the age thingy (no thomas the train fabrics here....)

4. scarf. justin requested a special one to go with his new coat.

5. zip pouches. i saw some really, super cute zippy pouches on this one website (the black apple - there is a link on the left side of this blog somewhere) and they look so easy, and would probably make fun gifts.

anyway, i am borrowing this super amazing sewing machine, and i figured i best get my rear in gear to get this stuff done, since i have to return it before we move :(