HA! our little guy is four months old today! man, it goes by so fast. and yet it seems like so long ago... at this time in the morning, i wouldn't even know yet that i was about to have a c-section. craziness.
today finn has his 4 month checkup with the dr. i can't wait to see how much he weighs now. i am guessing 17 pounds, 2.5 ounces. just a shot in the dark, i really have no idea! justin was guessing closer to 18 pounds, so we'll see!
the little guys is getting pretty good at rolling over, and excellent at sticking toys in his mouth! he loves to be laying on the floor and playing around. we recently took a family trip up to minnesota (and when i say family, i mean all 18 of the easley's crammed into a 3.5 bedroom cabin) and we all had so much fun! above is a pic of finn's first time in a lake.
in another few weeks, finn will be experiencing his first plane ride, as we go down to st. louis. justin is meeting his dad and all of his brothers there to go to a st. louis cardinals game. all the girls are gonna do some shopping and fine dining of sorts :D so we are looking forward to that mini-vacation.
in other news, my parents have sold their house in illinois, and are packing up for a big move to the great state of tennessee! they will live near knoxville, in a nice little community nestled in the woods. we are sad that they will live even further away than they do now, BUT it will be a good place for them to be, and a fun place for us to visit! finn and i are hoping to make a trip down sometime in september or october.
so there is your update!
What a great pic of Finn--what a smile! We miss you guys already.
Love-Aunt Chari
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