
rolling anniversary

well, about 20 minutes after i posted that finn is not rolling yet, he did the impossible, and started rolling. he is a pro at rolling from his back onto his stomach, but once he gets to his stomach, he doesn't really know what to do! in fact last night, at 1:30AM i awoke to find him rolled over on his stomach in his crib, unable, and too frustrated, to get back onto his back. so we are going to be working hard to learn the stomach to back move, so i don't have to get up in the middle of the night to rearrange him!

in addition, today is justin and i's fourth anniversary. and it has gone by so fast! when i think of all of the things that we, as a married couple, have accompished in the last four years, i am in awe. buying a car, getting a dog, graduating college with respectable grades, moving to nebraska, finding jobs, buying a house, having a baby... there are a lot of milestones there within the last four years. it's funny how so many things can change in just a short amount of time. i wonder what life will be like in four more years... more kids? different location? different cars? (we can only hope!) by then finn will be starting kindergarten! anyway, i am sure the next four years will be just as wonderful, if not better than the last four.


online sudoku

free online sudoku has revolutionized the way i spend my mornings. there are billions of sites, just google online sudoku, and you are on your way.

this puzzle is great in the morning. it wakes up your brain when you are drowsy. now once i can drink caffeine again, my sudoku mornings will be joined with a nice mug of hot, milky tea. this idea makes me excited for december.

try a sukoku puzzle every morning and see how you feel afterwards.

i am cute

what a cute face!

finn has mastered the art of "roaming." he is not rolling yet, but somehow he can manage to move, at least several feet, getting himself in a good position to see whats going on (mom at the computer, the evening news, etc.). he has been quite vocal the last few days, and has found his grunt, when trying desperately to move around. finn's been sleeping great (7:30 PM to around 6AM, with a quick snack at 9:30)! it has been great to get real sleep.

finn has moved up to size 3 diapers now, so now he and cousin caroline are in the same size, and she is five months older... i think finn will be able to hold his own among all those girl cousins he has!


My parents are moving!

As of this past weekend, my parents are officially moving to Tennessee. So long to the Land of Lincoln, where my mom has lived since before I was born. The move will take place August 30th... so soon!

They are both very excited. They have found the home they will retire in, the home their grandkids will remember as "grandma and grandpa Hupp's place." Tennessee doesn't only offer beautiful views. The community their house is located in boasts of 3 golf course, a lake, a community building, any club you could possibly imagine... what more could a retired person want! Their town is located in the very eastern part of Tennessee, near Knoxville.

As for me, this should prove to be an interesting transition. I have never really felt like I live far away from parents. A quick 6 hour drive, and zap, there they are. But now, it just seems that they will be so far away. An almost impossible drive. I guess there comes a point in everyone's life (or at least most people's) when the focus turns away from the family you grew up in and towards the family you are cultivating for yourself. Of course we will all still be close, but it won't be the same only seeing them a few times a year.

Anyway, we ARE very excited as well for them, as they move on with the next chapter in their lives. And we will have a nice vacation spot, being right near the Smokey Mountains!
So here's to you, mom and Ken, good luck getting ready - August 30th is just around the corner!


Weekend of 1st's

mmmmm, mmmm... rice cereal

"hey momma! lovin' my new exersaucer!"
"uuhhh, i'm eating here..."


for the first time EVER, i beat justin in scrabble - with a respectable score of 260. i wanted to document this occasion, because i am fairly certain it will not be happening again any time soon!


Minnesota Fun!

Easley family wiener roast, followed up with some yummy smores
Lazy Minnesota afternoons - Finn hanging out in Lake Gladstone
Finn finally got to meet his Great Grandma Grabow - now all grandparents have met the little guy!
Caroline was lovin' the water!
and Cameron, doing his best impression of a mexican awaking from a siesta


FOUR months!

HA! our little guy is four months old today! man, it goes by so fast. and yet it seems like so long ago... at this time in the morning, i wouldn't even know yet that i was about to have a c-section. craziness.

today finn has his 4 month checkup with the dr. i can't wait to see how much he weighs now. i am guessing 17 pounds, 2.5 ounces. just a shot in the dark, i really have no idea! justin was guessing closer to 18 pounds, so we'll see!

the little guys is getting pretty good at rolling over, and excellent at sticking toys in his mouth! he loves to be laying on the floor and playing around. we recently took a family trip up to minnesota (and when i say family, i mean all 18 of the easley's crammed into a 3.5 bedroom cabin) and we all had so much fun! above is a pic of finn's first time in a lake.

in another few weeks, finn will be experiencing his first plane ride, as we go down to st. louis. justin is meeting his dad and all of his brothers there to go to a st. louis cardinals game. all the girls are gonna do some shopping and fine dining of sorts :D so we are looking forward to that mini-vacation.

in other news, my parents have sold their house in illinois, and are packing up for a big move to the great state of tennessee! they will live near knoxville, in a nice little community nestled in the woods. we are sad that they will live even further away than they do now, BUT it will be a good place for them to be, and a fun place for us to visit! finn and i are hoping to make a trip down sometime in september or october.

so there is your update!